Everyone has a thing that steals their joy.
The thing that sometimes makes them not want to get out of bed in the morning. The thing that robs them of living their life the way God intended them to. Mine is fear and anxiety.
Fearful of bad things happening to the people I love. Fear of the future. Fear of being alone.
And it robs me of my security. I’ve been reading a book by Beth Moore about insecurity and she tackles this subject towards the end of her book. Admittedly, the process God took her through would not work for me. And that’s cool because God made us all different. But what I did get out if it is that I REFUSE to let fear and anxiety rob me of what the day holds for me.
God’s got plans for me. I’m not dead yet, so that means He’s got stuff for me to do.
And how can I possibly hear His voice and do what He’s telling me to do when I’m in the corner rocking back and forth like a mad woman?
So…I made a choice today.
I chose not to fear. I chose to believe God is in control. And I refused to let fear rule my life.
And guess what? Those feelings of fear and anxiety went away immediately. I think it’s because I’m a fiery kind of girl when I want to be and I decided that I’m just going to take it anymore. I’m not going to let Satan use fear to rob me of my life. This is a HUGE step for me. I know I probably have more to learn but I know I’m headed in the right direction. And that is a huge comfort.
So, what’s the robber of your life? What stops you dead in your tracks and causes you not to live the way God wants you to?
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