
Friday, April 16, 2010

A Word that Stings

The other day someone referred to me as a single. And the word stung. And I couldn’t figure out why. I mean I’m all about Beyonce’s “Single Ladies”, why does this bother me? So…I did a little searching inside my heart and I realized something.

It wasn’t the word itself it’s what the word actually means.
Alone. Not together. Single. Not double.

It’s as if the meaning of the word reminds me of how alone I am. And that stings. Now let me be clear, I not one of those PC police who slaps a ticket on the words people say. I don’t care what people call this demographic. And I refuse to walk around being offended that people refer to me as single. I’m just talking about the way I felt at the time someone said this to me. I don’t know if it will sting the next time someone says that to me…I sure hope not.

But just to be safe, I’ll prefer to call myself and others like me as unmarried. At least for now.

Has this ever happened to you? Someone says one word in reference to you and it stings? Or am I the only one?


  1. Whether it's a person's size, marital status, occupation, or age, we tend to put "labels" (which are in truth "judgments" on people). Words are powerful and I'm praying that with each passing day my words will edify, build up, encourage, and give life! A lesson for us all......

  2. Well said, Liz (mom :)). I think the worst labels can be the ones we place on ourselves.
