
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Finding LOL Friends

Growing up and even well into adulthood I always kept friends at arms length. They would give, I would take, and give nothing in return.

I know now it stemmed from insecurity. I thought if people knew me, they would reject me.

Thankfully, I no longer feel this way. God freed me of my insecurity a couple of years ago. And around that time,  I walked into a women's group suggested by my sister. I was down (about a boy, of course) and I'm sure I looked like a pathetic mess. But these girls didn't seem to mind.

They took me in and accepted me. Even though they had been friends longer.

Now...around three years later they are the greatest friends ever. We've had some additions to our group, heartache, lots of laughter, and three weddings (and hoping to have many more).

They are the friends I never knew I could have.

The ones that challenge you to be more like Jesus, make you laugh out loud, and encourage you when you are down.

So here's to good friends who help me be more like Jesus and make me laugh out loud more than any group of girls I've ever known.

Do you have friends like this?

1 comment:

  1. Amen sista! From friends to you so much!
