I look so fat.
I've got to skip a meal today because I didn't get to work out.
If I have that piece of cake it's over.
Sadly, many years ago this is what my thought life was. I was obsessed with my weight. I would skip meals, excercise like crazy, all to stay thin.
And here's the crazy part...I was thin!
But I was filled with fear. Fear of gaining weight, fear of being unloved...rejected.
It took years to have a healthy relationship with food and excercise.
Now...praise God...I am free.
I eat healthy, excercise regularly...but I am not crazy about it.
Here are signs you may have an unhealthy body image:
Guilt when you miss a workout.
The feeling of being "fat" when you miss a workout.
Having no sweets. Ever. End of story.
Working out more than 3 hours a day (unless training for something)
Skipping meals
Counting calories like a mad woman
All of these things led me to have a very unhealthy body image.
We live in a society that uses food as a drug. We either eat too much and live unhealthy lives. Or we starve ourselves and live unhealthy lives.
Both are deadly and destructive.
If you are struggling in this area, talk to someone. Get help. God wants to set you free. All you have to do is open the door and let Him in.
Or you are like me. You've always been full figured so you avoid food all together. The lie is that not eating ='s losing weight. Truth is not eating makes your body store everything you eat. You have no metabolism and your body thinks you are starving and wants to survive when there is officially no more food. I have to count calories to make sure I'm eating enough so I can lose weight. This is a very hard battle for me, but I'm slowly seeing results!